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    发布日期:2024-02-21 10:11阅读:586人

    Would you like to explore our campus, meet the teachers, find out what makes our school special and gain a great insight into student life here at HQIS? Come and visit us on our Open Day and get the real HQIS experience! Our Open Days provide an invaluable and unique chance for parents to get an authentic taste of school life here at HQIS.


    We warmly welcome all prospective parents to join us on the upcoming Open Day sessions. Tour the campus, explore our facilities, meet our educators, and learn about our world-class curriculum and programs. You will also have the chance to talk face to face with our admissions staff, who will be glad to answer all your questions during the Q&A session at the end of the tour.


    Date and Time 日期

    Wednesday, February 28th | March 13th | March 27th

    2月28日 | 3月13日 | 3月27日(周三)

    9:00am - 11:00am  上午9:00 - 11:00


    Early Childhood / Primary / Upper School


    Open Day Schedule 开放日流程

    Sign in & Welcome 签到&欢迎仪式

    Principal’s Speech 总校长致辞

    Curriculum Introduction 各学部课程介绍

    Campus Tour 校园参观

    Admissions Services 招生注册服务



    Our History


    HQIS is one of the first IB schools in China authorized to teach the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our history begins in 1997 at Shanghai Zoo as a kindergarten. Since then, our student population has steadily increased, and now we provide 15 fully articulated grade levels of high-quality international education from Nursery to High School. We are committed to offering a student-centered education that prepares students for higher learning and life beyond the walls of the classroom, taking pride in our Green and Sustainable ethos and offering a curriculum that promotes lifelong learning.


    Location and Green Design


    HQIS is located in Gubei Area, one of the first and most famous expat communities in Shanghai, the campus is next to the famous Golden Street. Our school provides students with world-class international education for children from 18 months of age to 18 years of age. Our campus is next to two subway lines (Line 10. Line 15) in a very convenient area surrounded by shopping malls and shops.


    The history behind the school campus is also very special. The school was once located in Shanghai Zoo, surrounded by nature. This unique environment has shaped our green philosophy, and HQIS has been a proud standard-bearer of environmentalism since its foundation. In 2015 the school moved to its new campus in Gubei, keeping sustainability and environmental awareness as fundamental parts of the school ethics with a new, modern and sustainable campus. Whether it’s the campus, the school activities, or Earth Day, the HQIS green DNA is part of our daily school life.

    HQIS的校园设计也别具一格,因为学校的旧校区位于西郊动物园,得天独厚的地理环境让HQIS一直致力于提倡绿色环保和人与自然和谐发展的理念。2015年,学校搬迁到了黄金城道新校区, 学校“拥抱自然”的基因很好地传承了下来,无论是绿色校园设计,还是一年一度的地球日庆典,生态意识作为学校的传承也融入到了学校教学中。

    Our Curriculum


    HQIS offer a holistic, inquiry-based, transdisciplinary curriculum that gives students the opportunity to achieve the highest academic success. For Lower School, we implemented the Emergent Curriculum (Nursery) and the IB PYP Curriculum (Preschool – G5). For Middle and High School students we implemented American Curriculum Standards based on Common Core, with a selection of 18 AP Courses for better college preparation. Our curriculum integrates a solid Mandarin program, Clubs, Singapore Math, Project-Based Learning (PBL), and more than 50 extracurricular activities, including the HQIS House System, school societies and committees.

    HQIS提供一个全面的,以探究为基础的跨学科课程,让学生获取更好的学习体验。在幼儿部和小学部,我们采用萌发课程(托班)和 IB -PYP课程(幼儿园小班- 小学五年级 )。对于初中和高中的学生,我们采用基于Common Core的美国课程标准,同时在高中阶段提供 18 门 AP 课程以及AP顶石课程供学生选修,以更好地为大学升学做准备。我们的课程还包含特色中文课程,选修课,新加坡数学,项目式学习等特色内容,还有超过50多种拓展课程丰富学生的学习生活。

    In addition, HQIS art and music programs are also core elements of the school curriculum. We hired expert art and music teachers who support our students’ artistic and personal growth and development, and help them enhance their skills and understanding of the arts.


    Our unique curriculum provides students with plenty of opportunities to make new experiences, cultivate their talents and skills, and showcase their abilities with a positive and energetic mindset. At the same time, our curriculum provides continuous and consistent learning throughout all years, from early childhood to upper school. We believe that continuity between grades has a positive impact on personal growth and academic performance.


    World-class Educators


    At HQIS we choose the best educators. Our teachers have extensive teaching experience and graduated from world-renowned universities such as Oxford University, King's College London, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Harvard University, Tsinghua University and other prestigious insitutions. The multicultural background of our school faculty provides our students with the best of Western and Asian education.


    Plenty of challenge opportunities


    At HQIS we value our children’s dreams and aspirations, and we provide students with a wide selection of campus activities, such as debate competitions, art exhibitions, student gatherings, performances, and much more, so that students can display their talents in both academic and non-academic areas.


    HQIS is an official test center for different international standardized tests such as the SSAT, SAT, and AP tests. Our campus also hosts several prestigious international competitions, providing our students with opportunities to challenge themselves in the world of global academic competitiveness, which results in better academic preparation and enrichment.


    University Acceptance


    We hope that each student can get admitted to the college they want to go to, and we actively guide them through this delicate phase of their lives. Our top-level College Counseling department has a team of highly qualified teachers and educators from prestigious universities. Their extensive experience with admission processes will help and support our senior students during the pivotal stage of the college application.


    You want a truly international and holistic education, you want an education that can develop your child’s full potential, with a strong academic foundation along with a whole-person development.

    At HQIS we provide the education you want.









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